Volunteer Program Login
Social Security Number Requirement For
Dividend Volunteer Program Registration
Serving as a Dividend School Volunteer is a volunteer activity. To properly screen Dividends for this discretionary activity, an applicant must provide his/her social security number.
Applicants who decline to furnish a social security number, may not serve as a school volunteer.
Registered Dividend volunteers are automatically approved to serve as potential day time Field Trip Chaperones. Schools have the final choice in selection of chaperones. Fingerprint screening is required for Overnight Field Trip
Chaperones, RAP Mentors, Connections Mentors, and Volunteer Coaches. These fingerprints stay current for 5 years. Approval is based on the outcome of the fingerprint report, which is submitted to both the FDLE and FBI. After
completing your Dividend application, for additional information regarding fingerprinting if needed, contact Misa Mills, Manager Community Involvement/Dividends: misa_mills@scps.k12.fl.us
Any registered Dividend volunteers can be randomly selected for additional background screening, which requires the volunteer to be fingerprinted at school district expense. The selected volunteer will have 30 days to comply with
the request to be fingerprinted. Non-compliance will result in a volunteer's registration being revoked.